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Confessor Boots

Confessor Boots Information

Boots of those who kill for a living

Leather boots of the church confessors. The churches outside the Lands Between, dedicated to the teachings of the Two Fingers, send confessors out to follow the guidance of grace. The confessors are loyal servants to the Two Fingers, ready to hunt down and quietly dispose of their enemies.
Confessor Boots

Confessor Boots Stats



Slot: Leg
Weight: 4.8
Sell Price: 100
Sell Price: 100
Poise: 9




Immunity: 37
Robustness: 29
Focus: 29
Death: 31

Damage Negation



Physical: 4.5
VS Strike: 5.8
VS Slash 4.5
VS Pierce: 5.0
Magic: 6.2
Fire: 6.2
Lightning: 6.8
Holy: 5.4

Confessor Boots Location

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