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Finger Maiden Shoes

Finger Maiden Shoes Information

Skirt worn by Saints

Shoes worn by maidens who serve the Two Fingers. The maidens live to serve a chosen Tarnished, sharing their guidance and the wisdom of the Two Fingers. The guidance of grace would ensure that the pair be brought together. Or at least, such was the promise long ago.
Finger Maiden Shoes

Finger Maiden Shoes Stats



Slot: Leg
Weight: 2.5
Sell Price: 500
Sell Price: 500
Poise: 4




Immunity: 24
Robustness: 13
Focus: 39
Death: 39

Damage Negation



Physical: 3.0
VS Strike: 2.3
VS Slash 2.3
VS Pierce: 1.5
Magic: 7.6
Fire: 7.2
Lightning: 7.3
Holy: 7.6

Finger Maiden Shoes Location

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