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Land of Reeds Armor

Land of Reeds Armor Information

Chest piece of a warrior from the land of reeds

Armor made from strips of iron fastened together. Worn by warriors of the Land of Reeds. The grimy outer mantle is made from withered reeds from the warrior's birthplace. Perhaps its comforts extend to nostalgic thoughts of home.
Land of Reeds Armor

Land of Reeds Armor Stats



Slot: Body
Weight: 8.3
Sell Price: 200
Sell Price: 200
Poise: 16




Immunity: 60
Robustness: 50
Focus: 50
Death: 55

Damage Negation



Physical: 8.8
VS Strike: 9.5
VS Slash 11.9
VS Pierce: 9.5
Magic: 10.2
Fire: 11.4
Lightning: 11.9
Holy: 10.9

Land of Reeds Armor Location

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